I swapped E and F keybindings and both break as a result. "Hold F" for more options no longer works. Can't name containers.E To pick up all items no longer works. E doesn't work for umbrella either.
My companion is driving me nuts. She will not stop running around me and will not stop so I can access her inventory. If I stop she just runs back and forth past me.
Went into the abeyance ruins of power, went near the room with the spawner heart thing and got a crash after shooting the heart thing twice with a bow...
On Quest to Destroy Sheilaks Yoke, it froze, the last column won't solidify, and the giant beetle (Sheilaks Yoke?) doesn't move and is immune to all damage types.
AID POI NW side of map Magwytch Marshes near Bunker entry fails to complete.
At the back of the NPC's stick tent is a Simple cooking station that needs to be supplied with materials. You can add the required sticks but in my instance it only took 3/4 of the stone requirements. No matter what I did it would not let me add t...
When using the 'inspect' feature on a crafting bench, the 'Excellent Berserker Augment' says it gives stamina and melee to "crafted items", not "crafted two-handed melee tool items" like it probably should. (I tested it out and it in fact does not...
online server severe lag and companion reviving me not working
ive been playing for about 2 days now and the lag and rubberbanding on the online server option is horrendous ive died multiple times due to lag and been lagged back up to 40 meters i know its not my internet because i have no trouble with other g...