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Nightingale Community Portal


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Dark mode on this community portal

It would be a good thing so our eyes don't get burned out.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Alternative keybinds

Hey!I would like to see alternative keybind for every controls, so you could bind one action to two button. Why would be it good? For example I have two language keyboard setup in Windows and because of that if I press my 0 it can be "0" or "`" ba...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Increase Fabled Carnute/Harpy Resource Drop Rate

Please increase the drop rate of fabled carnute/harpy resources. They're already hard to track down, I don't think the drop rate needs to be super low like it is now. There is no other end-game resource this hard to obtain, so I think making it mo...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Compagnion AI doesn't follow when ennemies

The recruits that travel with us, you give them the order to follow and Attack too, it works for Follow to a degree. The problem is that, when you get near a structure with ennemies it goes completely crazy attack mode and leaves you. And I wish i...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

You want people to quit the game?

The fight in Into the Darkness is insane. I didn't even land and I was hit with 3 Mortars, the bruiser was already moving like it was berserk and the I only landed one hit on the Sentinal before I died the 2nd time.
5 months ago in Feedback 6 Open

Show all item slots clearly on inspection or mouseover

I find it very difficult to remember what infusions, charms, and spells i have attached to an item at any given time and i am having trouble knowing what i need to add to what. I propose that instead of being able to view the spells on mouseover, ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open


I'd like to see some more furniture and decoration craftables, and variations on current craftables (that excellent cooking station thats an actual stove/oven, for example). Bookshelves, desks, sofas, rugs, coffee tables, end tables, etc. Somethin...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Clear text below quests on rogt of screen

I can track or untrack quests but there is a liist below like Bedroll 0/6 that i can't remove
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Custom Fae Vaults back to opening realm

It would be great to see that custom Fae Vaults done from (assuming) respite would return you back to your respite, or wherever you opened it from. Having to be sent back to the Watch seems unnecessary given you have the travel to the Watch option...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

In-Game Filters towards LGBTQIA+ language should be slackened

Hi there, I discussed this in this Reddit thread for a little bit. I'll narrow in the concept as best I can. Word filtration in games is a useful feature, especially when you don't have access to Moderation Resources (or even potentially methods a...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open