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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2024

You want people to quit the game?

The fight in Into the Darkness is insane. I didn't even land and I was hit with 3 Mortars, the bruiser was already moving like it was berserk and the I only landed one hit on the Sentinal before I died the 2nd time.

Category Tags Creatures/Enemies, Difficulty
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    That's odd the enemies spawned before you dropped down. Normally after I drop down into the arena, enemies haven't spawned yet. If you go upstairs past the trap tiles I think all the waves come out at the same time, so stay in the arena first.

    Even so, that first wave is nuts because suicide bombers and other weak mobs swarm down from upstairs. It's the hardest wave, IMO. Wave two is easier and wave three, just a single enemy, is even easier. Maybe they reversed the order by accident.

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    You already nerfed all tools, clothing, bombs, and firearms, then you expect us to fight bound that have been buffed at least 100%?