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(Demo) Single Player Unplayable, I WILL NOT buy. 8 hours in.


I am trying out the demo to see how much I might like the game, but I will NOT buy it for 1 reason. Both of the times I have logged out and came back in to the single player game I have lost my Respites. They still show up on the map, but nothing is there and so I have lost followers and items in all my storages. I have included the screenshots of staring at where my Respite should be and of the map that shows the Respite is STILL THERE.

Oh, also any realm cards I applied are also reset, so I am in the Realm where it is red and stealth is reduced. We DO NOT want a workAROUND, we want the game to WORK. We don't want random loss of progress with our friends in the "experimental" modes.

This tells me that Single Player (Offline) gameplay was ONLY added to appease those asking for it and no thought went into it because correct me if I am wrong, that update has been out for a while now. (I think since May of '24)

Until there is a WORKING, NON "EXPERIMENTAL" dedicated server at minimum, I won't buy.

I know there is 1 other post about this, but this needs to be conveyed in a way that includes anyone who already owns the game, and I have included screenshots that show how much I have gone around the map to include doing enough puzzles and POI's to get the bow, throwing knives, restoration, maul, climbing picks etc... I even fought what was in the cave under my Respite.

Mode Offline
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Crafting, Building, Technical (Crashes, Disconnects, Performance), Inventory, Respite Spawn Point, Farming, Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Realm Cards, Respite Realm
Realms Abeyance
Steps to Reproduce Play in offline mode, build a respite, log out, log back in to single player.
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    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      Same. Was planning to buy bc I was enjoying the game, logged in after eating lunch and everything I built was gone. Very frustrating.

    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      I am having the same problem. It seems there is no autosave on an interval. I spent hours building last night and when I logged back in today it was all gone, my card effect had disappeared, my cairn disappeared, yet when I fast travel it takes me to where it originally was. It's hard to want to spend any time in this game when the demo itself doesn't function properly.

      1 reply
    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      the same thing keeps happening to me too it is very upsetting and this looks like a very good game but a glitch this game breaking even if it is a demo is still a game breaking glitch because its definitly not a demo thing because its still showing the reposite and it can be teleported to and the items on you are still there but some of the stuff on you gets rolled back too if it was a demo thing then it would be stated that there is no saving and you would be completly reset not just parcaly reset as for a demo to draw more ppl to a game that has been out this long this is a major epic fail because a bug this big will not draw ppl to a game it will turn them off of the game a bug this big breaks the game expereince for new players and as a new player you have to ask your self how well made or how much thought is put into this game if they are alowing a game breaking glitch this big and bad exsist in the game does it extend to the main game what other game breaking glitches are there in the game so then you ask your self do i really trust giving my money to a company for a broken game i for one liked the game and the game play right up untill i spent 5.3 hours over two days building my base just to have it disapear twice after a full log off not just back to the main screeen and i shouldnt have to leave my comp and game running to be able to continue so i can experience the game so on a note broken demos just turn ppl away from a game not make them go hey its broken ill buy it to see if it is otay in the main game so in other words no demo = 50/50 like or hate, none broken demo = like or hate of a game, broken demo = dont trust the game cause that reflects on a game porly

    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      Same thing happened to me, already quit playing and definitely won't buy the game now.

    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      It's a problem that comes from the demo, it doesn't come from the offline mode, nor from the hosted party mode (which doesn't date from May but from October) which works on the normal version of the game.