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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 16, 2024

Users that have a hard time reading or are reading slowly don't have time to read tutorial

If the user has Dyslexia or is a slow reader (i.e: English is not his main language, he likes to read at his own pace, misreads something and has to restart or doesn't understand, Something takes his attention away, ADHD, Something start attacking the users and don't have time to read anymore.) the tutorial windows are easily missed and the users have a feeling of anger for missing the information and feel like it is not a game for him and feel like giving up.

Type: B

As a QA I think this bug is a type B because it's affecting many people and the user's experience.

Prerequisite: None

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Character.

  2. Finish the Tutorial.

  3. Reach the realm Abeyance.

  4. Do the first couple of Quest and try to read the tutorial windows that are popping up during the quest helping you to learn the game.

Expected Behaviour:

The Tutorial windows should not auto-skip, it should stay there until the player decides it's time for it to go away and has finished reading it. OR the game menu has a Journal of what has popped up on the screen and can be reread or retriggered them.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags UI/UX, Other, Tutorial
Realms Abeyance, Tutorial
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    BTW, this is how you enter a bug guys...