We (Friend and I) just built our base, clearing out the area we wanted and loading back in this morning found that some of the stumpless trees reformed and are bugged. We can not break them down, the axe doesn't collide at all and just swings through. We have tried to all head back to main menu, realm change, nothing seems to be working to allow us to destroy the trees. Please let us know what can be done, we are newer players and just purchased the game so, maybe this is normal? Maybe we are missing something? It just sucks that our previous base that we built in another realm had trees removed and there was no complications.
Mode | Online |
Impact | It's difficult to play or progress |
Category Tags | Building, Collisions |
Realms | Abeyance |
Minor Realm Cards | None |
Hi there,
We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.
Thank you!
Similar situation.
We have tried to regrow them, one becomes solid but then incapable to destroy with tier 3 axes and spells.