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Unremovable plants and Unbreakable stumps

I have discovered in the realm I am wanting to build a house in, that there are some of the gatherable plants that have become stuck. I have tried using E to collect, tried with the sickle, with no luck. The E prompt doesn't come up on screen. I have a number of them in the same area as well as two stumps that cannot be broken. I am unsure if I should make a second post for that as it occurs in the same small area so might be related. The realm is a balanced difficulty Herbarium. First picture is up close, showing no action popup, second shows a number of shrubs in the same small area. Also have a clip of the stump being chopped with no numbers coming up.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Resources, Building
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards Settler Apogean
    Oct 24, 2024

    UPDATE: October 24, 2024


    We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.

    Thank you!

    Hey there,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Our developers are investigating an issue that sounds like the one you’re currently running into. They have suggested a work around you may attempt:
    - Log out and let the realm spin down (This should take 15 minutes)
    - Log Back in
    - Is plant still uncollectable?

    If this did not solve your issue, please press F2 while next to the plant and attach a screenshot of the overlay menu to this post so we can better understand what maybe causing the issue.

    Thank you!