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Windows on roof tiles/inverted gable types

Windowed roof

I am not sure if this has been suggested as I could not find a post talking about it. I mess with the building aspect of nightingale quite a lot and I was thinking It would be nice to see windows on roof types so there would be an option to see out of lets say an attic. It would eliminate the need to square off the roof and would nice to see and add even more character to the building tilesets nightingale offers.

Inverted Gables

In some build types it might be nice to have a section that's raised from the roof to make use of dead space when making a building. I've noticed that some build types require an inverted gable to fit the spot. As of right now a valley roof will fix this issue but then it makes a weird off corner which can not be filled. I know it may be niche but i feel the piece would be useful and open up some creativity opportunities for player homes.

Category Tags Crafting, Building
Mode Online
Sentiment Positive
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