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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Hear me out - Pocket Dimension!

Some players, myself included, have expressed the desire for our Respite to be portable in a way. As in, it could travel from Realm to Realm instead of being physically bound to one. But this is truly ridiculous, thematically and technologically. For example, the bigger our builds get, the more impossible this becomes.

So instead, how about a pocket dimension sort of thing? It would probably be unlockable in the endgame, and would only benefit the player who has it. No pizza parties in the poc-dim =(

But it could act as a portable forward operating base for someone delving in a very long dungeon. Maybe it's a single foundation large - just enough for a bedroll, a cooking station, and some storage bins. Almost like a mixture between the Stick Tent and the Pepys Box.

Category Tags Other, Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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