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Insight runes not fun enough to be worth fixing

Insight rooms in vaults have always been painful. I had hope that in realms rebuilt they would be either eliminated or made fun. During the quest progression they were fun because the runes were placed deliberately, making them reasonable and exciting to find. I played through the whole game again up to the watch only to find that you can still roll insight rooms in the vault, and they are randomly generated, so basically the same game breaking problem they were before the update. On top of that the first vault I entered glitched and made the last rune unable to be interacted with. So on top of an unfun mechanic to begin with, it can now bug out and make progress literally impossible. Please just remove them from vaults, or make them skippable if you are willing to forgo the essence.

Category Tags Vaults
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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