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Greenhouse + Quest easy quest to unlock special items.

To Build a Greenhouse with actual glass, with hidden watering system, you can turn on or off (or water by hand if you feel like it) and humble lights to make the Greenhouse come even more together.
made off glass and steel like a real greenhouse.
including Greenhouse furniture. and Garden Furniture.
either to fit the Base or this?
the greenhouse is buildable like how you would build a base. split up into roofs, walls, doors, foundation on the ground underneath, please be compatible with different heights. smaller paths as walkways upstairs. but not too small so you can fit a few chairs and a table. think hogwarts legacy greenhouse walkways. where you can put down little pots or a sitting area. or with the invisible gardenplot (see another post of mine) or greenhouse floorings perhaps?
fancy rails for the walkway.

the next lovely implement for this is what a guest wrote and i thought it would implement lovely in my post. A Guest wrote: "Hanging pots, wall-mounted pots, soil foundations"

in the style of the bases or in the greenhouse hang them up on "invisible support pillars"

buy the starter seeds of all and any plant with any essence vendor.

(no longer having to scavenge multiple realms for them)

in order to unlock: Hoe + "Invisible" Garden plot (soil foundation that can double us as an planter but it will be more natural) + Plant Tier Upgrade Potion ( can be thrown on a planter/pot/garden plot and upgrades 3 by 3 rows. 9 plants at once. (on the plots) + Fertilizer Blueprints.
the upgrade tier potion can be used to upgrade any plant (flower/vegetable/fruit/fiber)
will also change how the plant looks.

for example Tomatoes

T1 Red
T2 orange
T3 yellow
T4 Purple

Fertilizer can be crafter from almost much anything Organic.
Just not bones, wood bundles, or sticks.
you will need to complete a Quest Called: "Homegrown"

craft 5 seeds at your respite and plant them in a planter or pot then goto sleep: (specify that in the quest please. sleep 1 time in order for them to grow instantly) to unlock: Garden Hoe + " invisible" Garden plots/soil foundation.

furniture to fit the green house style Colors of everything depends on what metal you used.
pictures for reffrence.

Category Tags Crafting, Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request