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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024

Stamina potion is useless and the only place it makes sense to use it and it would be very helpful i am not allowed to use it

The stamina potion is useless because I don't use it in combat because i can;t dodge when i do that and if i stop my stamina recovers anyway. On Q shortcut I put health potion only. The circle is for food mostly. So the only moment I would like to use stamina potion is when I climb cliffs it would be so much better to allow that. Right now I cant open the radial when I climb or use the umbrela so i guess it would make sense since i m airborn and can't chose. But I could at least use a hand in this situation to take a fast stamina potion out of my trusty pocket. But i m not allowed to do that even if I put the potion on Q. I would really like to use staimina potions when using the umbrela or when climbing because thats when it's needed most for me. When I am running no. Potions are to help u in dire situations. When I m climbing a huge cliff or using the umbrela on very large distance it is a dire situation where I should be able to use a potion

Category Tags UI/UX, Resources, Other, Movement, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
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