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Structures can become Invisible in Multiplayer Servers

Description: Occasionally, when one player is working on an Estate while another player goes off and explore, the server can get into a state where it doesn't know how to make structures visible right away. Exact Repro: - Player A and B are workin...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

"Return to The Crossways" in multiplayer

I am playing in multiplayer, and I have been playing in my team-mates Abeyance realm. Clicking "Return to The Crossways" returns me to the crossways on my original Abeyance realm rather than the crossways of the abeyance realm that I am acively pl...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

My realm was reset after stuttering

I had gone back to Abeyance to experiment with minor cards. I had applied the Treasury card to farm essence since I figured I should just be able to use the Crossways to go back to my Sylvan's Cradle realm. I opened my map and returned to corssway...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Realm Address Card to Storage Cause Details to Overlap

Some of the Address Card Information persists when viewing other cards in the transfer to chest menu, and when there are multiple names they still populate on separate rows but those rows are occupied by other lines of text. It quickly becomes ver...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation