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My posts: Recruitable NPCs (Companions)

Showing 88
395 VOTE

Bag Equipped to NPC Adds Slots

If a bag is equipped to an NPC, I want it to provide more slots please
6 months ago in Feedback 13 Open
122 VOTE

Give companions dedicated gear slots

Currently the companion's equipped gear stays in their inventory. If the companions had dedicated gear slots, like the players do, then their gear wouldn't feel like it's wasting their precious few bag slots.
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Edit Appearance of Recruitable NPC's

Please allow us the ability to edit the appearance of the Recruitable NPC's (Recruit's) as they are mostly "strung out" looking, or just plain ugly. Honestly the most eerie thing is the character models do not blink at all, so it is just weird. An...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Farming / Planting has become too tedious

Farming is too tedious. Specifically, planting seeds. I run farms with a hundred or so plant boxes, and it wasn't too bad back when all survivors would help with the planting. (I don't know if the survivors are bugged or working as intended, but t...
6 months ago in Feedback 15 Open

Companion transfer Equivalence

Can we get a "equivalent" option when transferring items from inventory to companion inventory. Would be a nice QOL and help speed up transfers while adventuring!
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Alternate Toolbar System - Community Theorycraft Project

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together to discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Thing...
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Companion revival

Currently I need to point to the Companion to revive. Even the slightest of moves of the mouse can interrupt that process. I would prefer to be locked in 1 place and have the duration pass otherwise it gets annoying, because it gets interrupted du...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Summon Companion

Like ability to call companion to me. Sometimes get lost, or to far away.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Abeyance Work Stations Unloading if Outside Map Chunk

I'm theorizing why this happens, but it seems reasonable based on what I've observed. First, thank you for the automation update and I hope the team is enjoying their holidays. That's some well deserved rest, with all that's been put into the patc...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

No NPC visible at work stations

The work stations for survivors is working however i cannot see any person there. Ive tried to reload the realm, restart my game/computer, and switched followers but to no avail.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open