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Please add saber swords, bayonets, and cane swords

Not sure why calvary saber swords, machetes, cane swords, and bayonets haven't been added yet, seems like a perfect fit for this game. Please add them in the future.
6 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Needed Spell Tweaks

The magic system is... better than it was at launch, but it still needs a lot of love to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with melee and ranged builds. Here's a non-exhaustive list of enchantment-specific changes that would go a long way towa...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Bound mortar fixated on automaton storage.

Out and about in the desert Gauntlet realm at night, a pack of bound spawned near to my location consisting of 2 mortar units and a lamplighter. The lamplighter and one of the mortars attacked me as normal, but the other mortar unit started to att...
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add Storied Realm Bosses as Vault Bosses

I love the Storied Realms bosses, they were all engaging and had unique mechanics. I'd love to see them appear in higher tiers in some way, Vault seems like the easiest answer. This would also allow some of their materials to be available at highe...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Multi-Spell Magic and Gun Magic

I love the imbued weapon concept used in the game, but I think the biggest handicap right now is the sheer inability to combo spells. I understand that switching tools cancels spells, that makes sense to me since humans in the Nightingale universe...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

The Watch

Make the watch great again. The Watch is great mid game social goal. however the new update killed it. no one goes there with the boss rush aval. Make the Watch have more vendors and a daily or weekly quest provider, also the Vaults need to go bac...
7 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Ammo Pouch / Separate Inventory

Ranged players are at a disadvantage for inventory space due to ammunition taking up inventory slots. If you have several weapon types (e.g. a bow, rifle and shotgun) and elemental and normal ammunition, inventory space gets taken up very quickly....
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Multiple Magick effects

The addition of the new spells is fantastic, but darkness, grasping mire, and life drain ALL end the moment you cast ANY other spell - even simple ones like fionn's wrath and immolation. This is keeping a magick build from being on par with other ...
3 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Inactive Pale Pylon Bug

In Pandora's Bane after giving the NPC the heart and starting the inactive pale plyon bug, the screen frooze the entire time and jumped around.
9 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Darkness, Ring of Power application to magick/DoT

Not sure if this was a bug or intentional, but neither Darkness nor Ring of Power affects magick damage, including from magick ammunition. Since magick and especially the damage/time from magick ammunition are generally weak and most enchantments ...
18 days ago in Feedback 0 Open