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Danu interaction area

The targetable area to interact with Danu is limited to the space between her legs. The targetable area for interaction should include her legs and body, or at least enough space that it doesn't require moving around to find.
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Louis got blasted into a corner of the building when attacked and is now stuck

trying to do the escort quest with louis when we were attacked by bound he got stuck in a wall
about 14 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

A Nightingale's Song (quest) - Return to Puck

There's a problem with a Nightingale City Main Quest. I've just killed The Automaton Queen and finished an interaction with Realmic Transmuter in the center of Astrariun. But there's no Puck in front of the Transmuter. And yes, I've already spoken...
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Open

Louis quest

Louis was first stuck on staircase and is now stuck inside the building
4 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Danu model missing, only her club is visible and I can't interact.

Went to Danu in the Hollowed Moor realm, went to Danu's home with the Quest Available marker. When I'm here I can see Danu's club and quest marker, but cannot interact with the NPC at all. It is like Danu's body model isn't loaded, so there is not...
3 months ago in Bugs 14 Planned

Follower NPC is now Invisible after Winter update

Follower NPC is not showing a model. It is invisible. Only thing I can see is the weapon they are carrying.
3 months ago in Bugs 4 Fix Live

Inactive Pale Pylon Bug

In Pandora's Bane after giving the NPC the heart and starting the inactive pale plyon bug, the screen frooze the entire time and jumped around.
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Invisible recruit

After today's update I am being followed around by a floating sword, my NPC is invisible. I can still click on them, or where they should be, and access the menu, but cannot see them at all
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

NPC constantly fidgeting while standing

My recruit doesn't stand still after the update, she just keeps shifting awkwardly over and over in the same animation.
12 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Missing all dialogue options talking to quest NPCs

When I talk to Wilhelmina Sasse or Graeme Turner for the quest "Friends in Unlikely Places", I only get a single introductory line of dialogue and no dialogue options. Similarly for the trader Lillian.
13 days ago in Bugs 0 Open