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Showing 24

Please Free the placement of Building Objects

I have struggled and spent countless hours placing down foundations to make rounded homes, aligning the corners correctly in order to design the building I am envisioning. We all seem to love the half-moon balconies, and now seeing the idea of dou...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Either drastically improve realm loading speed or do something about moving stuff between realms

It is extremely tedious to transfer stuff back and forth between the realm you are exploring and the realm you are headquartered at. The main issue is the excessive load times travelling between realms. This is highly disruptive to realm explorati...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Estate Cards Need Better Labeling/UI

This has been brought up a number of times since launch and, while all of the work and additions to the game since then shows just how dedicated the team is to making the experience and choices in the game better for many players, there's a huge, ...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Add a front facing arrow to build placement

I think it would be really helpful when placing things in build mode that can be rotated to have an arrow on the bottom of the object showing its true front facing direction, so its easier to see what direction they’re going to be built facing!
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

More design themes.

Just browsing the screenshots in discord, with how different the worlds can be i just figured that it might not be a bad idea to add different themes to the types of building architecture. In some of the photos it just seemed like they all had the...
17 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Estate Cairns of other players do not show up on map

Estate cairns of other players do not show up on Realm map.According to Katari, they should show up.The attached map shows many shared structures - but all of those shared structures are Synchronous Lotus structures.The only Estate Cairn that show...
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Estate Cairn should despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies

Please allow the Estate Cairn, to completely despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies in the vacinity of the Estate Cairn that would include non-aggro as well as aggro mobs - such as Deer, Pig, Beezleboar, Bound, Carnute, etc. I have a Respite in a T3 He...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Want different starter maps, cant craft Abeyance Card

I'm deeply sad about the fact that everyone gets the same starter map and there is no way to change the start map. Why remove such a great feature?? Who asked for this? I don't like this starter map and the fact that we cant craft a new Abeyance C...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Paid DLC idea - culture packs

The base Culture Pack in the game should certainly be "Victorian England" and the original gaslamp vibe. So things like the Bhutan tileset are IMO completely out of place and should have been relegated to a DLC that is either a tileset or a cultur...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Lighting should have brightness filters

Sometimes the wall sconces, chandeliers, and candles are -too- bright. It would be nice if they had a brightness adjustment feature if you want to town down the illumination in some areas for ambiance and brighten them in others (like workshops).
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open