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Estate Cairns of other players do not show up on map

Estate cairns of other players do not show up on Realm map.
According to Katari, they should show up.
The attached map shows many shared structures - but all of those shared structures are Synchronous Lotus structures.
The only Estate Cairn that shows up is mine.
There are 3 Estate Cairns, all of which are Respites, at this location.
This is not an issue for me at this realm.
But it represents a potential problem for inviting people to other realms.
If i invite anyone to a realm, if they were so inclined they could create an Estate Realm and assign it as their Respite without my knowledge, and return without my knowledge.

About 1 week in to 0.5, a player came in chat bragging about having returned to a shared realm and destroying all the Estate Cairns in that shared realm.

Category Tags Multiplayer, Respite Realm
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Oct 7, 2024

      During testing we found that a Cairn Marker can be seen in the Compass well beyond the range that other markers vanish (In accordance with the prophesy...) and that a Cairn Marker can be obscured by other compass markers. I has pictures. The 1st picture shows the Cairn marker obscred by another map marker in the Compass. The 2nd pictre shows the Cairn marker in the compass and the 3rd picture show where I was standing when I took the 2nd picture.

    • Guest
      Oct 7, 2024

      Attached map... sry for failing to attach originally!

    • Guest
      Oct 7, 2024

      Additional testing indicates that removing a Cairn from your realm does not remove that player's respite location on your realm. If a person built a Cairn and set respite on your realm, and either they or you destroyed it, they would still be able to enter your realm, and if they were not in your party, there would be no Cairn/Respite/Player icon on the map to indicate they were present on your realm.