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I spent over 2000 essence to upgrade all my things, weapons tool and attire just to have them down graded from tier four (purple) to tier 3(blue). T o say that i am ticked off is understatement . How is it i make it to watch AGAIN, and farm throug...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Not a riposte

I love the sword, but the riposte action is not accurate. It should consist of a parry and then stab, whether overhand or underhand. The "F" function is just a lefthanded punch. Makes no sense.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Disappearing arms

When you aim down the sites at your Follower and point it at the top of their chest, their arms disappear. I was aiming with a Rugged Lever-Action Rifle.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot place trunks perpendicularly on utilitarian shelf

Before 0.5.4, I was starting to place two trunks per shelf by placing them perpendicularly, as in the attached image. I can no longer recreate this no matter the order I try to place the trunks. While I would enjoy being able to do this again, if ...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Texturing issue?

There is an issue near the cave with the spiders where your vision is damn near completely cut off from these spikes of grey/green so you can't even see where you're going.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Texture Quality Reduction

Textures post-patch look worse and of lower quality. Example, stone crude floors. New texture is bad, does not match tile-set walls. Please revert to pre-patch textures.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

FPS limiter is not limiting my FPS

I like to keep EA games receiving video updates in a bit of a box to avoid overusing my graphics card. I noticed today that I have 100+ FPS when my settings are set to limit at 90 FPS. This is based on the F2 reading and the Steam FPS meter in the...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Flashing display and random crashes (Solved)

{UPDATE} I uninstalled my graphic driver and clean installed the NVIDIA studio driver. Now it has stopped crashing and flashing. Is it possible that the errors produced by the sword glitch corrupted the graphics driver? I wasn't having this issue ...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Autumn Update made chests unstackable again.

Release of the autumn update made the voyager chests- which were stackable due to the recent patch which made a bunch of structures not need support- unstackable again. In my base I have the rows of chests that I had stacked previously, but if I t...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot upgrade sword to epic

I made a sword, which I cannot wield, but I also cannot upgrade it. I use T4 essence and it will no go past T3 on the upgrade bench.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open