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Can't access Tier 3 Progression using controller

After the winter update and using a controller, I can't tab between the progression tiers, specifically from 2 to 3. The only way I can get to my Tier 3 is if I exit the menu while viewing Tier 1, and when I open it again it shows Tier 3 - it also...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Splendid dress from Poet's bundle not able to be crafted

I received a poet's bundle code from MurningStar the twitch streamer. While the rest of the bundle is able to be crafted, the splendid dress blueprint shows up in my codex with no crafting station needed, unlike the rest of the bundle. Hence, ther...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Improve Search Functions

Right now the Search Feature only works for the Guidebook and Crafting Stations while being limited in functionality. I'd like to see it expanded to Chests and be improved to be more practical. My suggestions are as follows: Add Search to Chests, ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Comparing Item Stats

I would suggest adding the ability to compare items with each other. There are so many items of the same "base" or "type" but with different stats due to the different materials used to craft these things. We already have the ability to left click...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Out of 12 gem types i've found, only ONE is useful to ranged...

Itemization still needs work.... I have come across, so far, a dozen or more things that qualify as a "gem." The Mystic Bolt-Action rifle, for one example, takes a gem as part of its components. But only one gem - Amber - has anything remotely res...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Augmentations are not associated after update

This is the same game I've been playing since the last major update. The slots on the craft station are unassigned since the recent update. If I move the augmentation, it becomes associated. I just used up some high end materials for some new boot...
3 months ago in Bugs 4 Open

upgrade table should be unlocked before the watch

The upgrade table should be unlocked much, much earlier. The progression is not smooth at all because you go through the whole game with white gear, and once you reach the watch, you can upgrade everything by several tiers at once. It makes no sense.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Items made with pursuit say they add 8% when they only add 6%

Pursuit ore adds 6% ranged and crit damage, when you make buttons or other items with them, they say they add 8%, when they only add the original 6%
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Plant Box Outside

Plant Box outside should NOT have debuffs for Unsheltered and Soggy! That is how farming is done!
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Yield bonus is misleading

A yield bonus of x1.2 does not actually alter the YIELD, it alters the NUMBER OF CRAFTS, rounded down. For example, if a single craft normally Yields 3 units and you queue 2 crafts, the Yield is 3 x2 or 6. If you had a yield bonus of x1.2, the fin...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open