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Clothing crafting augment infusions not applied.

Not sure if I'm just special or there is an actual bug, but it seems like there is a maximum amount of bonuses that can be applied. I'm currently in Tier 3 (Max 4 augments): and have the following Augments for clothing 1. Excellent Explorer: * ...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Lit/Warm takes effect only on recipe start

Crafting benches profit from being lit/warm. This only takes effect at the start of the production, however. You can lit a fire, schedule productions for 30min+, then put the fire out and it keeps working. This also works the other way around, whi...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

T4 recipe tree

There should be a T4 recipe tree to see which ones are unlocked or yet to be unlocked, just like with all the other tiers. It's not coherent at all that the T4 recipes aren't displayed like the others (even if they were hidden until discovered).
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Augments not linking with crafting benches

I have a cannon sitting approx. 6 inches away from my excellent crafting bench for the excellent military augment, however, the augment isn't showing up in my augment menu, and my crafted items aren't being given the additional stats. I even check...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Crystal Ball Augment Displays Wrong Trait Name

Greetings Devpeoples, The Crystal Ball, a Magick Augment unlocked at Tier 3, lists the incorrect name for the traits it provided. It says it provides the trait of Refined Magick Augment in the progression menu and in the Augments building section,...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

The cost to repair tools and clothing is ridiculously cheap...

The cost to repair tools and clothing is ridiculously cheap, so cheap that it makes the equipment practically infinite. Moreover, the crafting bench becomes totally obsolete since there's no need to constantly craft tools, unless it's for a recrui...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

What to do with Bones?

So, I can't help but notice that, despite a wide variety of types of bones and a way to make chitin into bones for recipes, it doesn't actually do anything with the stats it has. You can find Fabled bones that grant a wide array of stats, but ther...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Crafting Augmentations Station doesn't connect to the Main Crafting Stations

Description: When the user is trying to add buff to a station with an Augmentation Attachment, the Augmentation doesn't register to the Crafting Station. Type: B Prerequisite: All Tier 1 Crafting Stations and Tier 1 Aumentations in a house of 2 by...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Augmentation not recognized by Crafting Table properly

On reloading a game, Toolbox buff not recognized by Saw Table. I Removed the Toolbox and re-crafted it. I changed nothing else in the area. Now the Saw Table has TWO augmentation slots filled instead of just one. Kindly just delete the requirement...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

If backpack full when creating quest item it disappears

I didn't notice my backpack was full when creating the confluence potion for the "Contain the Spread of Corruption" quest and the potion disappeared (yes I did it twice and didn't notice). One of the ingredients to build from scratch come from a d...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open