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Companions Ai while collecting

The companion AI seems a bit off when you have piles of resources apart from each other, the companion will pick up 1 from 1 pile, then walk over to the other pile, and pick 1 up, moving back and forth between the piles. Occasionally they will pic...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Stamina cost for fishing is very unbalanced

The stamina requirements to catch fish could use some work. 145 stamina is more than enough to get one to the top of a mountain using nothing but climbing picks to hoist yourself up a sheer rock face, but not enough to reel in a trout? I tried fis...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Recruit inventory vanish

When bringing home items on my recruit and he enters my building (after completing Bastille of Intellect), items now vanish from their inventory. I have checked all bags and my own inventory and spent an hour running back and forward letting them ...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Stamina potion is useless and the only place it makes sense to use it and it would be very helpful i am not allowed to use it

The stamina potion is useless because I don't use it in combat because i can;t dodge when i do that and if i stop my stamina recovers anyway. On Q shortcut I put health potion only. The circle is for food mostly. So the only moment I would like to...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open


Can we please be allowed to either make signs or, like the chests, note what is behind door #1, #2, #3, etc.
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Carnute stuck in Loop

Unsure if this was intentional. The Carnute is stuck walking in a circle in the first Abeyance realm you enter. It's circling around the Ribbon trees and will continue to do so even when it has knocked all the ribbon trees down to the point they w...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add New World style Town Board missions

One of the ways New World keeps players continuously busy/engaged. to have something to do with their spare materials, and to have a reason to keep using all their skills, is the Town Board missions. Although New World also has kill missions, typi...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open


Hi. Firstly. i just wanted to say As someone who had started since day one :) THANK YOU SO MUCH! for ruining my experience with Nightingale with this realms rebuilt update.. To start off with to how you ruined my Experience, i will take you back t...
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Add more rare items

Can you add more rare items? Searching rare materials is what keeps me playing and enjoying to explore the realms at the moment (and the fabled, and the beautiful landscapes and buildings, and the letters/stories you find randomly... ok there's a ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Show Tool and Clothing base stats at crafting stations.

Currently, you have to select a recipe, then auto-fill the materials and then switch each resource to None in order to see the base stats. Flavor text is nice but I'd like to see the base attributes of tools and gear and have some way to compare r...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open