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Hybrid Stone Powder not recognized as separate resource

Once a hybrid stone (of two of the same stone) is turned into stone powder, it is not recognized as separate from a stone powder of the same stone. For example, 2x Marble -> Hybrid Stone -> Stone Powder (Marble) The hybrid stone powder will ...
about 19 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bunker Portal not activing - Herbarium Forest

Just finished mobs in bunker to activate portal in bunker of Herbarium Forest. Pillar not even showing any interactions to activate it.
3 days ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Estate cairn, selecting resources

When selecting resources for residents to gather, if there are multiple workstations of the same type, the selection can sometimes/often clear itself (after selecting it briefly selects the resource and then goes back to "Select Resource"). It can...
42 minutes ago in Bugs 1 Open


Dumplings are listed in the Tier 3 food section, but when you go to craft them they are actually labeled at Tier 2 food. I'm using Tier 3 and Tier 4 ingredients and getting Tier 2 food. I've attached screenshots
3 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Trees regrown under certain structures can become Invincible

Description: It has been observed that stumpless trees can be regrown by Carnute in spots where player had built plant boxes and plant pots - Trees regrown can become Invincible State: Actively being worked on Workarounds: - Do not build Planters ...
6 months ago in Bugs 11 Fix Live

most elements of the glamour menu are incorrectly labeled

The different labeled elements of the glamour menu are, to be honest, a complete trainwreck. Especially for tools. You'll have blades labelled as hilts and vice versa, wood colors applying to what should be cloth, cloth applying to wood, it's a co...
11 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Oberon's bounty doesn't work on damaged nodes

If you hit a rock while it's not active and then activate Oberon's bounty then it will not one shot the remainder but require a lot of hits as if the buff wasn't active
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live

Forge card not applying bonus consistently

With a Forge minor card active, making Buttons and Buckles out of Pursuit ore gave the parts +2% greater stats (ranged and crit). However at the same time, with the Forge card active, making Fasteners out of Titan's Fingernail did NOT apply any bo...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Movement Speed perk doesn't apply when consumed

I have made a few Hearty Stews from the Fabled Fishgoat and they show that it should apply 4.6% movement speed perk for each stew. But when I consume them it shows 0% increase to my stats.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Levitating While Sleeping

Helper sleeping in mid air. Not even over a bed.
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Planned