Settler Minor Realm Cards Don't Function With Augments
Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to alert you to a problem occurring with the Settler Minor Realm Cards, and the way they interacts with crafting stations and Augments which increase yields. My expectation from the nature of the bonuses would be...
All the augments will go through walls after the winter update. If this is intentional then so be it but it wasn't easy to get the augments in the right place and use them in the first place. If this is intentional it won't be worth crafting anyth...
While working on Joan of Arc's quest, the only thing I could get to fulfill the warmth requirement for the simple sewing bench, simple alchemical boiler, and refined workbench was a lit stave. Nothing else worked, even a lit simple cooking station...
Build Pack Item For Frequently Built Items (Lodestar, Pepys Box, etc)
TLDR: Combine required materials into Build Pack object for ease of construction. Inventory management is already so involved in Nightingale (with variations on variations of every item type) keeping the ingredients required to build Lodestars and...
We all love to build above waterfalls. I keep seeing this one particular waterfall that has a hole in it, with obvious space behind the rock formation and this hole that you should be able to at leat crawl threw to get into, but you cannot. It is ...
Trying to predict where a cairn will place you when you spawn is a bit frustrating, at the moment. The position is consistent every time, but trying to reposition the cairn to adjust that position seems chaotic. I try rotating it to what seems lik...
Since the winter update, the X key does not bring up the build options (move, desconstruct, ...), these are now in the B key, which is fine. However the companion chest cannot be moved, nor destroyed.
Just updated to the Winter Update and the build menu disappears after a few seconds. Pressing 'B' doesn't bring it back. Mashing various buttons including 'Esc' made the 'B' button bring back the build menu, but it disappeared again after a few se...
What i find lackluster thus far in Nightingale is the lack of dress uniforms, regular uniforms. And rugged base building material. By that i mean, military based clothing, such as webbings or just coats. Metal helmets (Or gear that would seem to a...