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Désafectation inexpliquée des améliorations des stations - Unexplained decommissioning of station ameliorations

Au bout d'un certain temps désafectation inexpliquées des améliorations de toutes les stations raffinées (établi, fonderie, etc...) nécessitant la réafectation à chaque fois des améliorations. After a few time, unexplained decommissioning of the i...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Primitiv Portal

I found a synchroner lotos i play in german Puck came and say that i can build a Portal i get the quest to build one but don't get the blueprint to build it can any one help?
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Change augmentations into crafting stations and/or crafting components

Example: A "grill" or "barbecue" station that only has grilled food recipes and can cook those recipes faster and better. An "ammo press" that makes cartridges faster and possibly with less materials (less waste). To make a higher-tier cooking sta...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Animals ignoring Estate Cairns and stampeding through gardens

I've had animals destroy house walls, destroy garden boxes, run through the house and up the stairs. They cause a far amount of damage. I thought the cairns were supposed to keep them away
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cant craft climbing picks

I have unlocked 2 advanced climbing picks and made all the materials, but they won't let me add the stuff to build them??? I took pictures but you provide no way for us to post you pictures. Dauntless and the one after that. I'm in my 5 realm and ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Augmentations disappear, have to rebuild workstations to fix

Upon entering the game, none of the work stations will show how many agmentations without having to select station traits. Destroying and rebuilding all the work stations fixes this but is annoying.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Farming animals / getting pets / trapping animals

Previously (not sure if it still exists in the same way) Harpies can know if there's wood nearby either on your person or in a container, and try to steal your wood if it is in a container. Using a similar mechanic, we can have a mechanic where: Y...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Cooking station will not place anywhere

I having trouble placing the cook station anywhere. I feel like its a bug . Someone pls help :)
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

2 Headed Shelf Won't Place

Keeps sticking to the ceiling or within a wall.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Controller D-Pad Sensitivity Causing Combat Issues

I dont know if this is just a me issue... I use a controller on PC and find that the d-pad selection can lead to difficulty during encounters. For example, I may try to change my weapon by tapping Left D-pad, but I end up in Build mode because it ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open