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Main quest wont progress

After reaching the "The Gate of Queen's Brae" and "The Heart of the Matter" quests I am unable to progress these as none of the npcs have the dialogue option to continue.
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Frankenstein conversation outdated

Victor Frankenstein's conversation after turning in the bound materials implies that he is currently in a desert realm like he was in a previous version, specifically Gloriana's Tears. Since he is in Gloom Swamp that should be reflected in his dia...
6 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

The Gate of the Queen's Brae

I jumpstarted the stabilizer and now the mission tells me to Talk to Maria Sklodowska-Curie in the Calcularium. She has a question mark over her head, but none of the text options allow me to finish the quest.
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Poet's writing desk appears in wrong augment tier in build menu.

When given this recipe after talking to Poe, the blueprint appears in the progression menu as a tier 3 augment of the 3rd tier saw table - but in the build menu it can be found among the tier 2 augments. This is causing players difficultly in find...
7 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

Azazel immune to dmg

Azazel is immune to all damage. We have tried it with different weapons. Various restarts didn't help either.
3 months ago in Bugs 9 Fix Live

Welkin's Reach- Rough Patch

Doing Multipalyer and partner quest for Rough Patch is not able to turn in to get rewards. It showed them as completed. Only I as host received the rewards.
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Unable to complete Guilt Within Walls

In Sylvan's Cradle, I can only get 3/4 for Guilt Within Walls. I've reset the realm and defeated the boss multiple times with no luck.
14 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Realm Activities - Colour-Coding for Status

It would be exceptionally helpful to be able to see at a glance which quests / POIs have been completed. Active quests and POIs are all white, while NPCs with no remaining quests are yellow. I would propose that markers should be a more distinguis...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

quest bug

I cannot complete the quest.
8 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

The Matriarch's Lament - first Bastille of Might attempted stuck after first wave.

In the quest The Matriarch's Lament, the Bastille of Might closest to the realm spawn point is not spawning the 2nd wave of enemies. So the player is unable to complete the Bastille and exit. I will travel to my respite and come back and see if i ...
9 days ago in Bugs 1 Open