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Twice my Bishop Oil has disappeared out of my helper's pack

I put the oil, the heart, and the ingots on my helper for Nellie's quest. I logged in this morning and the oil was gone. So I went and got it again. And when I logged in a moment ago, checked her pack and it was in the first slot for 10 seconds. T...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Sombre sight of power quest bug

Gloriana's Tears for the Sombre sight of power to get the Hallowed Moore card, which I did, twice, and have the card, but it still shows in my journal.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

monde effacé

Bonjour, j'ai voulu me connecté au jeu sur ma partie (plus de 270 heures de jeu) et plus rien le jeu est totalement remis a zéro, plus de personnage plus de base rien du tout comme si j'ouvrais le jeu pour la première fois .... Pourriez vous m'aid...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Gloriana's Tears - For The Glory progress unclear/confusing

Getting into the main quest for Gloriana's Tears, where three special items must be acquired in order to make a portal to The Watch, the game makes it sound like it's an either-or choice for peaceful or violent acquisition of the the three critica...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Sheliak Drop Disappeared

After killing Sheliak, I wandered around mining ore rather than immediately taking the Sheliak drop of what I assume was essence (it appeared where Sheliak was killed). After a short time (30s-1min or so) it disappeared.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Gauntlet Quests only finish for one person in party

In all three gauntlet quests only one item drops from the 'peaceful' or 'violent' methods of finishing all three quests, requiring each person in a party to run the quest again on their own instance. All other questts so far have been completable ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Quest tracker update speed too slow

When completing a quest objective or quest, when tracking or untracking a quest, the display takes a 2-3 seconds before it updates. When tracking/untracking quests, the update shows immediately, but upon leaving the quest screen it the tracked que...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Quest kill count

Can you please make it so that kills required for quests are shared among active party members?
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Unable to enter Sylvans Crade Site of Power

I have tried to access the Sylvan's Crade Site of Power with Gear Score 40. My friends were able to access it with Gear Score 34 and 40, but I keep getting stopped by the barrier
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

quest: gateway to the watch

stuck on this quest. I’ve made all the require offerings ready to deliver them. The journal states that each creature can be found in the corresponding, swamp, dessert, forest “gauntlet” I figured out they actually need the “hunt” cards through tr...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open