Ground is missing geometry underneath an encounter in a swamp. Random Realm. I fell under the world and got stuck. "Help I'm Stuck" buttons got me out no problem but I wanted to report.
....because every time I think i've found a flat area near a waterfall, or a hilltop with some level ground, or a nice high spot with a good view... there's already something built on it. Or several somethings. >.< IMO now that you've establ...
I can't proceed through the very first site of power, I have found 2 of 3 writings but the 3rd one is no where to be seen, although I've covered the insdie and outside of the structure.
The Defend Encounter in Magwych Marches, halfway between D6 & E6, is bugged. I was able to recruit the two people there, but even after slaying the enemies and building the extraction device, I still cannot release the essence there, completin...
Unable to place crude plank anywhere that makes sense
Heyo. When the additional crude tileset pieces were first added, I played with them a bit in PTR and made a nice "rug" at the front door with it placed just inside the door over the existing stave upper floor. I also was able to place it outside o...
One of the sigils for a bastille of insight in the swamp portal inside the Watch was placed in midair, making it very difficult to interact with. Edit: Reproduced at the same place after several more runs. The second screenshot attached is from th...
I would like to see a way to toggle POIs on the map so it you can see at a glance what ones you have completed - potentially as a change of colour, greyed out or made into a blank dot.