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T5 Material Acquistition Hitboxes

I recently hit endgame and crafted a GS 100 Axepick to harvest T5 materials from points of interest. However, some of the harvestable nodes are really tricky to get, requiring aiming your cursor near where the tool swing will land rather than dire...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Could not progress in the underground gauntlet forest bonus realm

Entered the underground vault thing in the Forest Gauntlet realm and after killing the death weaver spiders the door did not unlock to go to the next section. Just remained closed and the reward essence pool stayed red as if there was more to do
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bastille of Intellect Not Recognizing Correct Pattern

Ascended Gloom Swamp puzzle won't recognize the correct pattern. I hit the tones in the correct order. There's only 3. The 2nd one is glitched halfway into a statue but i can still interact with it, and the game isn't recognizing it as a correct t...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot Start Defence in Magwytch Marshes E7

When I go to the Defense POI in Magwytch Marshes (E7), there is only one survivor (The Company, Jesse) and they do not have the dialogue option to start running the event. I arrived at this POI at the end of a play session, and I recall seeing two...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

monde effacé

Bonjour, j'ai voulu me connecté au jeu sur ma partie (plus de 270 heures de jeu) et plus rien le jeu est totalement remis a zéro, plus de personnage plus de base rien du tout comme si j'ouvrais le jeu pour la première fois .... Pourriez vous m'aid...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Pillars in Sylvan's Cradle Church Missing after Reset

The lower half of the pillars in the church in Sylvan's Cradle Village are missing after resetting in offline mode.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC missing in Defend quest south of spawn in Magwytch Marshes

I'm working through all the different missions on the map before tackling the main and side quests. I've looked everywhere but there are no npcs in or near the defend mission that is south of the initial spawn in Magwytch Marshes. I tried sleeping...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bastille of Agility Welkins wont trigger

Bastille at map coords between F4 and G4 will not trigger complete. Cannot unlock the well.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Chest hanging in the air

The chest from an Aid Site is hoovering above the ground. See picture.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bastille of Intellect Sylvan's Cradle South east

Bastille of Intellect Sylvan's Cradle South East when following sequence to solve puzzle it does not work; Tried multiple times and even tried different from blink sequence of which nothing worked;
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open