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Increase Aggro/Threat generation of AI companions

Hey folks, first I want to say thank you to the whole team for an amazing game! I was hoping you could increase the threat generated by AI companions so that enemies attention is divided between the player and their AI Companion. You could also c...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Invisible recruit

After today's update I am being followed around by a floating sword, my NPC is invisible. I can still click on them, or where they should be, and access the menu, but cannot see them at all
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

obtaining recruit Calling Card makes inventory disappear when resummoned

I tried using the Recruit Calling card and in doing so, when I went to resummoning my companion she came back with all her equipment, but her inventory was gone, all my materials she was holding were gone and she didn't drop a box anywhere for me ...
9 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

NPC Behaviour

Hello dear devs, Firstly, I want to give you lots of praise and encouragement! This is a great game in the making, please don't ever give up on it! As a general note, I jump between this game, Valheim, Enshrouded and a little bit of Pax Dei so you...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Danu does not spawn properly

In the Hollowed Moor realm, Danu does not spawn correctly. Her staff appears, but Danu herself does not. I can still interact with her and accept her quest to scout the Bastilles of Might, but it is rather difficult to interact with an NPC I can't...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Duplication Glitch

If i go to welkins reach and then make a death jump (the fall damage would kill me) and then while falling jump to crossroads, when i get there i get a free duplication of my followers items. I have not tried this in other realms.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

NPC Bug at the wrong RESPITE

NPC's are still going to my old base after i created a new base respite location is there anyway that this bug can get fixed? i have fast traveled to see if that worked and i also restarted the game and that still didnt work at all.... I'm not sur...
13 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Winter Holiday Update 2024

Thoughts on the new update…. MAGNIFICENT!!!! First, the Winter Holiday Event is magical. I really love the Cozy Winter card. The decorations are really nice around the homestead. And, coffee and pie are my favorite holiday foods. The Winter Child ...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

NPC traders: too expensive

The traders could be quite relevant, but when their pricing is such that one has to clear the map to buy a coffee... That doesn't work. Also, the placement of NPC traders is just weird. Why would one sit out in the wilds when there is a village or...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Abeyance Work Stations Unloading if Outside Map Chunk

I'm theorizing why this happens, but it seems reasonable based on what I've observed. First, thank you for the automation update and I hope the team is enjoying their holidays. That's some well deserved rest, with all that's been put into the patc...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open