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I would like a way to keep specific amounts of resources in my inventory when I transfer equivalent to storage

I like to travel with resources to craft various magical buildings for fast travel, storage etc but I'm constantly having to fish the resources out of my stock after unloading. Or I have to remember to craft them, then deconstruct them before I le...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Remote Chest Access Point/Search Box

Item storage needs a better solution than chest spam. I like having chests around for the visuals of it, but going chest to chest to find specific things or to deposit all the things you just got can be tedious. I propose a mid-late game solution ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Essence scaling on higher difficulties

I´ve tried farming T3 essence on every difficulty and it seems like the scaling on the essence (Especially Nightmare) is non-existent. I love challenge and I like to be rewarded when I take on the challenge. If I can tackle level 100 enemies with ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Equivalent button for follower

Adding the "equivalent" button to the follower inventory management panels would be helpful.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

the "equivalent" button on the Xbox controller is not working correctly

when i am putting items from my inventory into a chest, i hit the Y to use the "equivalent" option, but it puts in the wrong items. for example, i was putting uncooked meat into a chest with other uncooked meat. but when i hit the button on contro...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Enemy fire through walls destroying interior

Bug happened after 5.4 updateStanding and storing gear when an bug spit through wall destroying chest. Surprised me as I didn't even know a bug was there. Solid Tudor wall, of course was damaged but not compared to interior of home.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

missing gear on follower after sending her home

I sent my follower home via "Ask for calling card" in the survivor management menu. When i sent her home she was in full gear with a gear score of just over 100, when i got back home after i was finished with my adventure she was NAKED. NO CLOTHES...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

add "allow fueling" toggle to containers

please add a toggle on container options to turn off allowing the use of the contents of that contaienrs for fueling. why do we need this? right now if you have a container with wood in it and your recruit helper is allowed to refuel they will use...
3 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Improve Search Functions

Right now the Search Feature only works for the Guidebook and Crafting Stations while being limited in functionality. I'd like to see it expanded to Chests and be improved to be more practical. My suggestions are as follows: Add Search to Chests, ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

I really hate the mechanism that auto-loads food

I often pick things up without thinking much about it, whether from drops or crafting.. Food items kind of disappear into the "quick" food slots. This gets annoying, as I'm always forced to micro manage those slots now. e.g. craft some seeds for f...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open