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Clothing tectures

Made a tier 1 clothing outfit with Augments textures are not loading correctly on my person nor my NPC! Looks ridiculous!
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

won't allow cooking

It won't allow cooking in co op. Fire is ignited but won't show ingredients that I have in my inventory.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fueling benches

The crafting benches are auto drawing my best wood from my chest please make it so fuel is added manually. Or make a storage option for fuel. Thanks SUPER GREAT UPDATEW can't stop playing Damn you guys LOL
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Inventory management Quality of Life suggestions

To help players keep exploring instead of running back to home base to dump stuff, I recommend that all stacks weighing 0.2kg or less be considered to collectively take up only 1 Inventory space. If any stack in this group suddenly exceeds 0.2kg, ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Meu feedback pós rework

Bem, após jogar Nightingale em seu lançamento e após o rework da versão 0.5. Eu decidi vir fazer um feedback, primeiramente vou fazer as pontuações e explicações dos pontos positivos, negativos e melhorias que podem ser adicionadas do meu ponto de...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

In-Game Mail System

Could we please get an in-game mail system where we could send mail that includes resources, tools/gear, realm cards and essences to our other characters and friends without the need for them to be online at the same time or having to rely on stra...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

The inventory system is terrible

I am having a hard time getting behind this game. I want to play and progress but OMG the inventory is the worst out of all the crafting survival games that I have. Unless I am missing something (please enlighten if so), here are the things that d...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Nightingale - Follower uses potion every time you fast travel to Respite or Crossroads

Every time you fast travel to Respite or Crossroads, follower appears with around 20% Health, at least briefly. This causes them to use a potion unnecessarily.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Names on containers

I appreciate being able to rename various Containers. However, whenever I OPEN one, the TYPE is shown, but not my NAME for it. Since I try to sort through the use of various containers, the NAME for it being displayed when it is open would help a ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

The ability to have a pull feature.

I would like to there be a feature to pull resources from a vicinity around storage units, seeing as we all have to store items somewhere and most of us organize while others don't, it would probably help a lot if we can open our inventory have a ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open