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Augment streamlining

It seems the crafting equipment/upgrade is too convoluted. My suggestion that might be better if you are intent on just having just two augments per equipment; why not just put augments already attached to the equipment as an upgrade path? The aug...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

multiple consumables being used at once

When using a consumable, the consumable in the first slot is also used as well, for example, when eating food, the item in the first consumable slot, (in this case my health potions) is also used
22 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

lost everything

I have been plaything this for a bit, but i started over on the offline mode, i just beat all the content utill the apex vult. i had tones of ter 4 items in chest and i was trying to short them, then for whatever reason it crashed it had never don...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Add a 'Downgrade Essence' Button (top left of screen)

Suggestion: Add a simple but prominent button to 'Downgrade' Essence in the top left corner of the menu (see picture), there is plenty of room, new players would understand, and you could even remove the Essences tab since it would be redundant. B...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open


Please allow us to disable auto-equip of items for all hotbars and quick select. Tool hotbar, and Food quickbars.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Show charm, infusion, spell (names) on objects

When hovering over an object (tool) you only properly see the charm applied with description. The rest are symbols (spells) or not shown (infusions) at all.Please do something to show ALL the information in one spot of the UI for all equipment (to...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Visual bug, elemental resistances not adding up correctly on crafted clothes

I used Crystal Ball and Macabre Rack augments to increase All Resistances for my clothes, while crafting an item it shows 10% on all elemental resistances, crafted item shows only 7.5%, but equipped item gives me 10%.
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Quick access to companion inventory

I'd love to have easier access to my companion's inventory. The current implementation isn't terrible but I'm accessing it often enough that a one-click/one-button solution would be really nice. Two things come to mind for that. 1) When looking at...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Items tier visibility QoL

The items icon in the top right/bottom left corner should have the Tier number so it would be much easier to manage your storage/inventory.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Dedicated button to switch between offhand items

Hey!I would like to a feature where I can press one button just to cycle through the 3 offhand item that I have because the number 8 and 9 is not in a confident position when you play with WASD movement.
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open