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Recruitable NPCs (Companions)

Showing 96

Follower in the Crossroads

I recruited Simon from the Abeyance and the recruited a new companion from Sylvan's Cradle. Now Simon is seemingly stuck hanging out in the Abeyance Crossways. Would like a way to interact with him and send him to the other Abeyance survivors.
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Followers Backpack

Could we please get the Followers gear out of their Backpack. It limits their carry items number way too much. Failing that, give them a larger pack. We can already equip them with a better pack, but the slot numbers don't change.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Companion was told to work(mine) and is now stuck under the world

I told "Howard" to mine on an outcrop by a lake in Sylvan's Cradle (NE corner of D5) after looting a few nodes he walked through the map and is now stuck not moving, I am unable to talk to him through the environment to dismiss/retrieve his invent...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Party members companion's facial hair visisble when party offline

The recruited NPC of my party member is still in game when my party is offline, however their facial hair is visible, leading to a "floating beard" in the respite
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Dialogue Should Have Some Sound

I feel like it would add somewhat to the overall dialogue experience if as the text appears on the screen when talking to an NPC of any kind, there was any sort of sound as the words appear. Something akin to Stardew Valley sounds as the text is c...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Recruiting new follower

Recruited a new follower in a new realm. When I went back to Abeyance to my respite, the old follower spawned there and would roam around my base and pick items up like he was still my follower. Which i could not get back since he was no longer my...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Companion inventory loses inventory after traveling realm

While in another realm I filled my companion's inventory with wood, ore, and other items. Upon returning home their inventory was reset to only their equipped items.
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Recruitable NPC stole my stuff

I have an NPC recruited, and I dropped a bunch of stuff and one of the OTHER recruitable NPCs nearby stole it all. (I have Dennis, but Jeff picked it all up)
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Follower stuck

After assigning my follower to "work here" came back after a few minutes and he was under the ground and couldn't be spoken to, had to TP to next realm to get them back, bit of a hassle at the start of the new update when doing quest line
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Companion in house

Hello :) As i was watching progress of Nightingale from early acces i notice Companions don't use house too much. It feel sometimes weird how they just walking around. But because there is a option ''Work here'' why they must going around and watc...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open