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Lost High End Gear During Realm Load

I traveled to my respite.. Immediately after arriving, i started swapping out my gear. The load hicupped, as it always does, and I lost 3 pieces of high end gear. Just gone, empy slots. What a serious pain. I quit after that
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Lost all crafted items after leaving Realm

Mostly done with Sylvan's Realm, I crafted a crude portal to finish that questline. Somewhere I managed to pick up the desert biome card. I traveled there, completed a couple POIs, filled my inventory, then teleported back to the Crossroads. Trave...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Q: Glorious hunt - Gloriana's site of power

I have entered and completed Gloriana's Tears site of power; however, the quest does not want to complete, and I am unable to thus travel to the Gauntlet as stated on the quest's description. When I leave the exit portal nothing happens. Am I miss...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Got stuck in a Vault; couldn't advance due to broken puzzle, couldn't return to the watch directly.

I just got to the Watch, wandered around a bit and stumbled around a corner into a portal downstairs somewhere. I came out in some sort of Vault. The first puzzle was an insight trial (find the sigils hidden on walls everywhere) so I located all o...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Falling into deep water and cant get out

Just got into an Ascended Antiquarian Swamp realm and keep falling through the water, deep enough I cant climb up on anything. It is clearly an area that should be shallow.
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Gloriana's Tears - no Portal to Crossroads at location marked on map

No Portal at indicated location.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Falling underwater and unable to get out in Antiquarian Swamp realm

I'm in a level 40 Antiquarian swamp realm, and came upon a section on the map where the floor is missing under the shallow water. It's basically a bottomless pit where I'm sinking further below the map till I die, or if I try to get to a ledge or ...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Grappling Hook doesn't "shoot"

We made fresh new chars after the realms rebuilt update but now my wife's grappling hook doesn't shoot out at all. I've tried to rebind the key and ive tried to swap hers with mine but nothing happens. All other tools' secondary actions work, it j...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Did not get portal recipe

I found my first synchronous lotus and was supposed to have been given a portal recipe, this recipe however does not appear for me and I am now unable to make any portals that are not to storied realms. I was hoping to create a realm to set up a p...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Big plottstopper bug

I was able to enter the place of power in Gloriana's Tears without having broken all 4 seals first. There was one seal left! I fought the boss and then got the cards for the challenge realms, but not for the next main quest realm. The quest status...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open