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Killed the Eoten Jana, Essence not unlocking for portal

Still buzzing red like there are infestation mobs left, but I've never seen that before after killing the final boss,
12 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

Atlantis Biome

A biome that's in a air bubble at the bottom of the ocean. Enemies are fish that swim through the air and therefore have high mobility but low health some may use magik too. Resources are mostly corals that can be processed into other resources su...
22 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Potential Creature Spawn Lists Are Wrong

The potential creatures listed in the portal menu have never accurately reflected what spawns in each realm, all the way back to the release of V 0.1. Especially in regards to Fabled Creatures. This issue should be fixed to reflect accuracy and fo...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

Dying and then killing the boss for the herbarium card doesn't give the card unlock reward

I died when fighting the boss since I got knocked out the tower far away and died from the fall damage, but when I came back to kill the boss after respawning it doesn't allow you to unlock the herbarium card recipe. re logging the game doesn't ev...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 7 Open

Apex Realm - Bound Spawning In Non Accessible Terrain

The bound in the infestation section of an apex vault have appeared in the floor of the terrain and are unable to be killed therefore unable to progress the vault
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

New Biome Cards

Just a couple ideas for biome cards that could unlock later in the game. Caves which would have a realm power of 10 and Mycelia Canopy with a realm power of 30. The caves would focus more on Ores, Gems and Stones as the primary resources as well...
24 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Sere Eoten not harvestable

Killing Sere Eoten does not always allow them to be harvested. The harvesting indicator does not show up over their corpse, and while attacking with the axe does damage it does not yield resources.
26 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Forest vault boss not spawning

After completing all the puzzles/challenges in the forest vault, when I arrive at the huge cave at the end where the boss is supposed to be he does not appear. So I am unable to complete the vault or receive any of the rewards. I have attempted th...
14 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

Jana not appearing in Offline mode Vault

This is the 2nd time I've made it to the end of the Jana vault and Jana doesn't appear. I have rested before I entered both times, so perhaps that's what is triggering the bug but have no other idea. If Jana appearing is time sensitive, getting th...
14 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Closed

unable to kill apex creature so cannot exit realm

unable to kill apex creature so cannot exit realm
16 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open