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Beetle pet IK wonky?

For some reason when up close, the beetle pet sinks it's head down clipping into ground. But as soon as I move, maybe, 20 feet away, it's normal. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it's front legs, if it has any? Assuming it does have 6 ...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Ascended realms HP: grind beyond measure

I am playing on champion and any and all ambition to play on nightmare is slowly disappearing. Not because it is (too) hard, but because there seems to be a fundamental error in design. Grinding is not fun, yet this is exacxtly what we get. Insane...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Cannot move after getting downed

I was running from a bear when I climbed onto a rock to escape. The bear hit me, and I went down. My NPC companion revived me, but I couldn't move using the WASD keys. I could jump, attack, etc., but I couldn't move using the WASD keys. I used the...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Animals spawn inside my house and break it.

So, I have a rather large house I built recently, it is was expensive to make and took alot of time, it keeps getting destroyed by NPC's who decide to venture right next to my house and cut down a tree that falls on my home, also animals spawn ins...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Elder Eoten Missing Offering Object

Did my first Elder Eoten, had the meat but he didn't spawn an offering thing to put it in, or was perhaps glitched into the ground as part of his branches also were, he was beside a hill.
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Aid and Defense problem

In both Aid and Defense spots it's a problem that the local wildlife both kills the questgiver NPC:s and trashes the structures when they spawn too close. No way to take the quest when the questgiver is dead and gone, please make them safe from en...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Jana has way too many HP

This was really, really annoying. By the steam achievements I'm one of very few to make it to the watch. I would bet it's even fewer of us who have bested Jana. Jana has an unreasonable number of hit points. At least two orders of magnitude too...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Legendary Eoten destroyed my stuff when re spawn in Forest Extended Realm quest

The legendary eoten is so powerfull that when, respwaning after death i m killed by shards . My stuff was completly destroyed in 5 death without oppportunity to move out of the respawn point. Its quite a sheet and ressources to re craft my stuff a...
29 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Stamina cost for fishing is very unbalanced

The stamina requirements to catch fish could use some work. 145 stamina is more than enough to get one to the top of a mountain using nothing but climbing picks to hoist yourself up a sheer rock face, but not enough to reel in a trout? I tried fis...
4 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Carnute stuck in Loop

Unsure if this was intentional. The Carnute is stuck walking in a circle in the first Abeyance realm you enter. It's circling around the Ribbon trees and will continue to do so even when it has knocked all the ribbon trees down to the point they w...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open