Oberon's Bounty Stops Working on Knives After Casting Other Spells
I've been farming fabled carnute hide for my magic build but it seems that using other spells (even with other weapons) before swapping to a knife and using Oberon's Bounty breaks it and causes it to no longer harvest a carcass in one go as it sho...
Guarfinn, Mini wild Boss stuck in desert rock. Tried explosives to move it from different angles but unable to have any effect. As is this mini-boos is unable to be achieved.
I set a portal at my home to a Boss Rush, making the realm public with the tick box hoping to play with others. No matter how many resets or what difficulty the portal is set to, I am brought to the same Sun Giant who can take several thousand dam...
For some reason when up close, the beetle pet sinks it's head down clipping into ground.
But as soon as I move, maybe, 20 feet away, it's normal.
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it's front legs, if it has any? Assuming it does have 6 ...
Blood Moon & Maleficiate Minor Realm Cards Have Mismatched Texts & Effects
Greetings Devpeoples, The Minor Realm Cards Blood Moon and Maleficiate have had an issue pre-dated v0.5 where the cards texts and actual effects were effectively mismatched. It appears that this remains the case, which is causing some confusion wi...
I really like the critter variety in forests now. The small deers are a great touch that I haven't noticed before and having a good number of non-hostile critters makes the place feel much more alive and believable. This isn't quite the case with ...
The lag is awful. I am so excited about this game, but combat is impossible. I glitch a lot while climbing. I am running lowest possible quality to try to play. I am currently trying to focus on building and even that is so glitchy it is difficult...
I will say im impressed so far on the rebuild BUT that said.. The spiders are insanely frightening. They feel faster and scare the hell not just out of me but those in my stream. I am set to explorer and its not 'hard' but the easiest. I turned th...
So for multiplayer Bopss Rush, maybe a realm players can venture to to join other Realmwalkers before they start Boss Rush (Level 1) starting but also make a buttom or podium that allows other players to request a realmwalker to join them