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Showing 196

Implement Climbing Down from Cliff Edge (w/ Rappelling)

Hello! I would love to be able to go to the edge of a ledge, perhaps with climbing picks equipped, and be able to start climbing down, rather than have to jump off and grapple to the wall. So a "climb down" feature as it were. Currently, it's eith...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

First Person Camera Height

I've noticed the first-person camera height is roughly chest level, but the player character is the same height as the human NPCs. I want to adjust the height of my camera so I'm not constantly choosing to look up at NPCs' faces or level at their ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Meu feedback pós rework

Bem, após jogar Nightingale em seu lançamento e após o rework da versão 0.5. Eu decidi vir fazer um feedback, primeiramente vou fazer as pontuações e explicações dos pontos positivos, negativos e melhorias que podem ser adicionadas do meu ponto de...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Sickle boomerang can be cancelled back by preparing a spell

You can cancel the sickle boomerang throw instantly by tapping the spell button.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Allow option for full pause when using radial and quick weapon swap on controller, or add another full Hot bar.

The controls using the controller in this game make combat less enjoyable. They are clunky under duress in heavy combat. I suggest adding full pause when using radial wheels and coming up with a way to quickly swap between two right hand items. I ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Solve puzzle but can't claim essence reward

Going through the bunker system in Gloriana's Tears (entry near the Realmic Transmutter), I solved the first puzzle/found the reward but I could not claim the essence. It was like putting your hand through a holographic image, or spirit. Attached ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

2 bugs - Climbing picks and Umbrella

Climbing picks - When I go to climb while standing next to wall, my character chooses to attack the wall instead. I keep shifting through different keys, but it's not consistent and something I have to fall off by wall to trigger a climb. Grapplin...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Make pistols an offhand weapon

Please make handguns a left handed (optional) weapon. or just make it left handed only so I can use a melee weapon on my right hand. For reloads, you could make it automatic after firing the last shot unless I trigger a melee. Handguns are not tha...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

suggestion for controls

Please make the 8,9,0 keys bound to a button like the food is bound to Q. I'd rather have the choice to use either a radial wheel, or utilize what's already available which is rebounding them since I do not want to reach that far across the keyboa...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Cannot apply enchantments after upgrade bench was used

I just realized that since I upgrade a couple of weapons, I am no longer able to add enchantments to previously enchanted items. the only options to apply enchantments to are ones that I upgraded.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open