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About realms and capped tiers (and how to fix it)

After playing 0.51 one thing that stood out for me and somewhat left a bitter aftertaste was the "dumbed down" realm tier and difficulty selection. It is great that we can choose difficulty seperately from the realm tier, however removing the abil...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

My base was destroyed and I didn't have time to transfer everything to the temporary chests I built near the old base. I lost 90% of my stuff. This is stupid, wrong and senseless!!! Nightingale is a good game but... you will lose a lot of players because of these over-the-top decisions to make the game harder. Wake up!!!

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6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

WTH is up with the deer now?

I get to where I can just see the deer, they are out of range of any weapon, and they run away. I cant even get into range of any weapon to even try and hit them. The ones I have been able to kill is because they have dumb AI now and run right at ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

v0.5.1. Extract Essence - 1 stone, 1 wood = 10 T1 Essence

Although 0.5.1 modified the Extraction rate for Arrows, Extract Essence still gives too much T1. 1 stone + 1 wood = 1 Simple Wood Axe = 10 T1 Essence. This is half the rate of Arrows but still too much. Recommendation https://gq-game-mods.blogspot...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Essence Wisp exploit

The essence wisps can be killed like any other enemy. When they reach 0hp a few things happen: the cloud of wisps immediatly drop some essence, they begin an animation where they swarm around eachother, and they fade out to transparency.Notably th...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

My suggestion after 20 hours gameplay

First of all, I want to congratulate the entire team for this fantastic game. The idea is amazing, with great mechanics and a very original storyline. I just finished the Suspension Dimension and would like to share my experience and suggest a few...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Night never ends

The card is "greenhouse" and I try sleeping till dawn or noon (no effect). The bound hordes still spawn in the middle of day making me think the game is actually in the night time. Has happened with a alot of cards that lock the game in day time.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

God mode / World settings or similar

Can we have a God Mode option somewhere to enable us to gather and build with any risk. Ideally I’d like a slider to control player incoming damage, player outgoing damage, turn on/off hunger, NPC incoming damage, NPC outgoing damage, etc. Or even...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open