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Showing 1298 of 3102

needing to eat making the game less fun

I was so excited to play this game when it was announced, but when trying the early access game with a friend, we needed to eat so often. It frustrated my friend so much, he just requested a refund for the game, he said it felt like a chore to pla...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Please bring back low angle rotation increments aka precision building/rotating

When the game just started the turn angle for rotations while building was perhaps degree when using a controller. This allows you to hold turn and be able to turn things until they align. Now it's the same as mouse turning stuck to way too big an...
5 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

Please add / 45° beams

Hello, For example, you can simply add a floor to an outer wall to get a balcony. |__ | that's very unrealistic. The only solution is: |__ |..| Pillars to the ground on a foundation. Apart from that this looks ugly, maybe, if you build near a clif...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Menus for crafting station should be closed

At the moment all menus incl. subentries are open if we open a crafting station. In my opinion it would be better if the menus are closed, for example: -Charms ... ... ... - Major card .... ... ... - minor card .. .. .. better: +Charms +Major card...
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

A Black Screen when sleeping? Add time elpase and sleeping animation instead

A black screen during sleeping is immersion breaking. Please make sleeping like Enshrouded, show sleeping animation and real time of day elapse.
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Cham for Balanced Spell-Stacking and Spell-Tagging

With magic being difficult to balance, I feel like it would be beneficial for magic focused builds to reward this playstyle with a new charm. That charm could allow to stack one additional power, for as long as the tool is held. (Make the charm on...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Craft everything from the Workbench with a "tree" for selecting materials

I really love the crafting system in the game. Combining different materials for different item properties is very cool. My one grumble is that I get tired of going back and forth between all the stations, sometimes forgetting what I needed from o...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Industrial/Redbrick tile set

I love the red brick and iron industrial buildings and wondered if we could have them as a building tile set?
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

In game Material Tracker

An in game detailed Compendium in a similar UI design to the progression window that is used to track the materials found in the realms said UI would display materials by type and show the materials and their stats and tier materials not obtained ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

It would be nice to have this game on GOG when version 1.0 is released

This is a personal opinion, but I'm tired of Steam and all the things that come with staying on that platform. This is the last game I'm still playing on that platform and only because I love it. I understand that making the game viable for anothe...
27 days ago in Feedback 1 Open