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Nightingale Community Portal


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NPC traders: too expensive

The traders could be quite relevant, but when their pricing is such that one has to clear the map to buy a coffee... That doesn't work. Also, the placement of NPC traders is just weird. Why would one sit out in the wilds when there is a village or...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Umbrella should have its own equipment slot and/or hotkey.

The umbrella is such a vital movement tool that I feel like it really should have its own equipment slot and/or hotkey separate from the offhand system. Right now umbrella movement is so important that I almost never use a different offhand, and a...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Make lights logical and fun again please

Just returned to the game this weekend and found that wall lights and candles no longer bestow the well lit trait on work stations. I hope this is just an early access "broken for now" issue and you're planning on making this work again, because l...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 1 Open

Add missing tiers of augments.

Thanks for changing the crystal ball to tier 3, but now is tier 2 missing, and there are lots of tiers of augments that are missing. Most have tier 1 and tier 2 or they have tier 1 and tier 3 some have only tier 1.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Please allow spiral staircases to stack.

The entire point of a spiral staircase is to tower vertically with as little horizontal footprint as necessary. This is undermined by the current spiral staircase, which cannot stack vertically.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

I would like to see some sea creatures

It would be great to see something in the vast waters that surround the forest and swamp biomes such as serpents, mer-people, squiddies, shark-like creatures, Kelpies, Red-caps, etc. Also to allow use of single handed weapons in and underwater lik...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

New Biome.

Just an idea for after Nightingale City The Volcanic Biome would provide a visually stunning and dynamic environment for players to explore. Imagine the fiery glow of active volcanoes casting a red-orange light over the landscape, the smoke and...
15 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Night Sky - Crisper looking, more sparkly stars and galaxy required.

Nightingale is a very beautiful game to look at. Even people who are critical of the game are forced to admit it looks fantastic - so this is clearly one of the games strongest assets. This is why i thought should mention that the galaxy part of t...
16 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Too dark inside

Ever since I updated my game, any time I go into my house.. it's pitch black. I have chandeliers everywhere. Wall lights. Floor lights. What little light that is provided isn't enough. Effectively renders a huge part of why I enjoy this game.. nul...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Winter Holiday Update 2024

Thoughts on the new update…. MAGNIFICENT!!!! First, the Winter Holiday Event is magical. I really love the Cozy Winter card. The decorations are really nice around the homestead. And, coffee and pie are my favorite holiday foods. The Winter Child ...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open