questing for J.Ain Dessert Gauntlet. killed Humbaba, but he fell over and then flew up in the air so I cannot harvest him. (I have a screenshot of him in air if you need to see for youself)
Bass Reevse quest won't give achievement when completed
I finished the bass reeves quest line and told him about Wilhelmina's plot. I can't get the achievement for it though. Additionally, I have an open quest to hear wilhelmina's latest rumor, but when I speak to her there's no dialogue options.
Hello, when doing one of the Vaults(my first one) at the Watch the extractor did activate(after beeing repaired) but no pale did spawn so I was unable to continue.
Was unable to crit on spider with hunt card so I couldn't kill it. Had enough regen to stand and do a complete pattern around the area and nothing would crit, I was able to get one crit in with an axe but it did not happen again. (This did happen ...