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Q Dial Item Labels

It would be helpful to have labels show up when you hold the Q dial open. It is hard to know what the dial is pointing on just by the icon. Seeing the name as well would be helpful so I know what I'm consuming.
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Make online event unlocks account-wide so they can be accessed in offline play

This way, offline players can make dedicated online characters just to do evens then return to offline play if they prefer.
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Elemental Ammunition for Bows

The addition of bows is something I really appreciate, and the choice between the two styles can be fun, but it doesn't really make sense that guns have the option to load magical ammunition and the two (current) bows don't. Would it be that diffi...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Add option to learn whole progression branch

It can be tedious to have to learn every recipe one at a time, particularly with say Tilesets. Add an option to learn all recipes within a particular branch to the description of the top recipe of that branch.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Halloween Event that isn't just boring predictable monster mash

Instead of a boring kill 1000 units of whatever which players will still find tedious to do by opening an easy realm and playing Maleficiate or Blood Moon for eternal night, how about a version that is more civilized and closer to what humans do d...
3 months ago in Feedback 6 Open

Add Extracting Essence to a tutorial

A very common question encountered on the Nightingale Discord is how to farm/acquire large amounts of T1 essence to keep equipment functioning. This always involves informing the player that extracting higher tiers of essence is the most efficient...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

I miss short rest

I play primarily in multiplayer, and the fact that there is no longer a way to short rest can be quite frustrating, as the only way to rest is to wait for the other player(s) to rest with you.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Simple Voice Acting for Companions

Please add voice acting for companions when you interact with them, it does not have to be complex, perhaps a greeting and acknowledgement when you change behavior but simple voice interactions dramatically improve imersion in the faewilds and dra...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open

Reddit presence

I participate in another forum here, for a game from another company... the developers are extremely active there. They answer questions, track bugs in the game, listen to ideas and respond to everyone to let them know when one of them is or will...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Material stations

so, this idea is for the mining stations, logging stations, hunting stations, farming stations, and fishing stations that the NPCs can do for you. Why do they not provide materials based on the map? They’re super useful for early game, sure, but a...
12 days ago in Feedback 0 Open