Azazel fight is underwhelmingly Grindy. the Healing paired with high health and the trees being immune unless the heal phase starts is rough. i suggest either capping how much Azazel can heal per phase or allow a player to focus on the trees any t...
I'd love to have easier access to my companion's inventory. The current implementation isn't terrible but I'm accessing it often enough that a one-click/one-button solution would be really nice. Two things come to mind for that. 1) When looking at...
One of the runes on a vault bastille of insight cannot be confirmed, its a vault desert run and ive had it happen twice. Its at the beginning of the vault. I included a video of me showing the bug.
I would love an option to mute the game when it is not in focus
I am a frequent alt-tabber and think that an option to mute the game in the background should be a standard feature. I would love for it to be implemented!
I got stuck in the Northern-most cave. When using the 'Help I'm stuck' it bumps me out of the area I am stuck in, however, I still cannot move. I am not overweighted. I am in an area that is flat and should be able to go but nothing works.
Ich kann die Quest um zur Wacht zu gelangen nicht abschließen, da der Sagenumwobene Roboter Läufer "Bishop" in der Sumpf Herausforderung mir kein Zauberöl gibt sondern Löwenmäulchen Öl. Auch töten brachte nur Löwenmäulchen Öl.
If I am repairing ALL items, PLEASE repair all items of my companion as well. It seems silly to transfer their items to my backpack, then repair all, then transfer them back, then have them equip the items.
While placing Pagoda flat roof in a new building, the inner edge attached to a floor tile "hides" the upturned corner visually but even though it looks flat, there is a collision with the tile corner. This makes it impossible to walk along that edge.
When in 3rd person view and using 1st person when aiming the aim is not true and always misses. Using 1st person only view the aim is true and shoots do hit targets when properly aimed. When using only 3rd person view the aim is also true and shoo...