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blot the bull goat field boss runs to the ocean every time i shoot him

Every time i try to take out blot the bull goat he runs so fast i cant keep up and his jumping back and forth makes him very dificult to shoot and keep up heaven forbid i have to reload while i jump glide across the swamp to catch up. he takes off...
18 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Danu does not spawn properly

In the Hollowed Moor realm, Danu does not spawn correctly. Her staff appears, but Danu herself does not. I can still interact with her and accept her quest to scout the Bastilles of Might, but it is rather difficult to interact with an NPC I can't...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Skinning Not Working Consistently

Skinning is not entirely reliable. In every Realm so far, I occasionally have problems skinning a mob.It is by far most pronounced in Swamps. I find it helps to move around, gather anything under or next to the mob (rocks, plants, etc) but this do...
5 months ago in Bugs 7 Under Investigation

climbing picks right mouse click doesn't work.

Spontaneously couldn't use righ click. Right click to block with knife works, but not with climbing picks. Couldn't climb with normal jump either. Tried to remap the button .. didn't work. Had to travel to respit for it to work again equally 'spon...
2 months ago in Bugs 4 Open

Tier 3 Estate Cairn has no effect

When I create a Tier 3 Estate Cairn, the jobs queue and storage stay the same as the best other cairn in the realm (e.g., If I go from a Tier 1 to Tier 3, the tier 3 reflects Tier 1 stats, same for Tier 2 to Tier 3).
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Forge Card stopped working entirely after update

For a while the forge card has been buggy, but after the recent update it has stopped applying its effects to any material regardless of source. I've tried making items with multiple ingot types that worked prior to the update and now do not.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

First slot of consumables unequips itself

The first slot of my consumables consistently unequips itself. I am not sure when it is happening, I notice it most often when I am unpacking inventory and opening and closing storage containers upon returning to respite.
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

"Return to The Crossways" in multiplayer

I am playing in multiplayer, and I have been playing in my team-mates Abeyance realm. Clicking "Return to The Crossways" returns me to the crossways on my original Abeyance realm rather than the crossways of the abeyance realm that I am acively pl...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Duplication Glitch

If i go to welkins reach and then make a death jump (the fall damage would kill me) and then while falling jump to crossroads, when i get there i get a free duplication of my followers items. I have not tried this in other realms.
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

Lanterns critical stat not contributing to the character stats.

Issue: Lanterns' bonus crit (and damage) currently applies only to the off-hand, which results in underwhelming attacks, such as dealing only 21 damage. Considering that lanterns are categorized as weapons, their current functionality renders them...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live