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Dodge keybind

I find the dodge mechanic almost useless as in order to set up my keybinds in a way that is comfortable i have to shift pretty much everything around. I wonder if we could have te option to activate the dodge feature with a double tap of one of th...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

More Fish

Thanks for adding the level 50/70/100 fishes . Can you please develop that point further? Naming the fish forest, swamp, desert is not that creative (unusual in this game). It would be nice to have salt- and freshwater fish in the next step. And m...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Roaming bound

Apart from the POIs, there are no Bound, which makes fighting quite monotonous, as you always know where they are and can hear where and when they spawn. I would like it if, after a certain number of POIs or killed enemies in a realm, special stro...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Rain effects indoors

I built my house on top of a rocky outcrop, and when it rains there's a rain effect on some of the stone that protrudes above the wooden floor level. I couldn't be bothered to raise the foundation when I put it there, and only noticed it after a f...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building denied/can't build sometimes

When trying to place tiles sometimes they don't allow you to place even though they should. For example, when placing a tall stack of foundations linked to another stack sometimes it will let you place them the full stack height and sometimes it w...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Same item Different teir

We would really like to see a change to same items in different tiers. If for no other reason than verities sake. The items I am referring too are the different fibers and trees. Like holt bloom and ribbon wood. We are little loot goblins and mat ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Sliding around randomly

Randomly start sliding around, no control over character, playing with wife who is on same internet connection, character loses control and slides around, no keyboard or mouse inputs and loss of character control, only after recent hotfix
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

sheliak post-fight speech loops / overlaps when farming quickly

killing sheliak very quickly (can do it in one shot) will start the post-fight speech as normal, and if you're fast enough you can get back up to the lodestar, re-set the fight, and get back before the first speech loop is finished (this makes the...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Last glyph not showing "Where angels fear to tread"

I watched a walkthrough video and in the spot where the last glyph should show on the wall for me is not there at all. there is no way to progress the main quest because of this.
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Watch Vault - not able to examine red rune.

I am in the watch vault and the find the red rune puzzle has the final rune hanging in mid air within an arch. I cannot click on the rune to finish the puzzle.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open