Moving A Clothing Item In Inventory Unequips The Equivalent Item
When you have an item in your inventory that you move to a storage container it unequips the equivalent item from your character and slots it in your inventory. As an example, if I have a hat in my inventory and drag that to a storage container it...
As reported in PTR some t4 has inconsistency. I had found 2 on PTR (Magick and Stealth) Didn't loot any magic yet but the t4 Furtive infusion still gives you only 10 while the the t3 gives you 30%.I was told on discord that t4 magick gives you 8% ...
When you aim down the sites at your Follower and point it at the top of their chest, their arms disappear. I was aiming with a Rugged Lever-Action Rifle.
Mystic Lancaster : 24 Kg Mystic Lever Action Rifle 25.2 Kg Mystic Shotgun 33 Kg All off them from Einaidia Just for comparision i have a Mystic Lever Action Rifle made from Pursuit, that one weighs in at 3 Kg EInadia is 10 times as heavy as any ot...
Some of the taliesin quests involve fighting. Often the card will pop up while my cahracter is still fighting some beastie or another. While not caused a death (yet) has caused my character to get rather hurt until I cleared the card out of the wa...
In der roboteröl quest wird beschrieben dass man den Läufer in einer sumpfwelt findet. Die Läufer gibt es nur in der wüste und die Wüstenläufer geben kein roboter Zauberöl . Wir haben es schon mindestens 20 mal probiert-
In der roboteröl quest wird beschrieben dass man den Läufer in einer sumpfwelt findet. Die Läufer gibt es nur in der wüste und die Wüstenläufer geben kein roboter Zauberöl . Wir haben es schon mindestens 20 mal probiert-
There is an issue near the cave with the spiders where your vision is damn near completely cut off from these spikes of grey/green so you can't even see where you're going.