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Showing 1294

Fabled harpy meat is too rare

Many of us are spending all of our time just trying to get this one item. Something seems very wrong with this drop. Obviously it's very strong and should be a very low chance, but I've killed nearly 500 harpies and haven't seen a single meat. The...
5 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Farming / Planting has become too tedious

Farming is too tedious. Specifically, planting seeds. I run farms with a hundred or so plant boxes, and it wasn't too bad back when all survivors would help with the planting. (I don't know if the survivors are bugged or working as intended, but t...
6 months ago in Feedback 15 Open

Hide outdated crafting stations

The "Crafting Station" category in the build UI is rather overwhelming. I'd love for there to be a tickbox like "Hide outdated stations" so that it only displays the most advanced tier of each station. Cheers o/
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

4-way peaked roofs & allow pillars to support roofs

To achieve a dormered effect I atempted to join these 2 intersecting perpendicular peaked roofs, but there is no 4-way piece that will do this smoothly with a 'clean' look from the outside. The closest that can be achieved is to gable end two of t...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Multiplayer: Join Same Crossroads

I know it was mentioned in Discord that devs will be looking into this, but I just want to get the request on record here - please please find a way for friends to join the same Crossroads. Right now, unless you are the "primary", the "travel to c...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Augment limit on workstations needs to be gone

Currently workstations are limited to 4 active augments regardless if more/others are build in it's vicinity, which feels kinda arbitrary especially for workstations like the workbench & sewing station which could utilize a lot more. This limi...
6 months ago in Feedback 9 Open

Rugs, Pictures, Toilets, Sinks, Silverware, and other knick knacks

Would love to have more objects to decorate my builds with. Like rugs, pictures to hang, silverware for tables, Toilets/Showers/Sinks just a few things I could think off the top of my head. Also, free placement and the ability to turn off snapping...
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Please let us make clothes that do not look like leopard skin, cow hide, and bugs...

Fantastic game, wonderful update! But the clothing materials design is still just terrible, sorry guys. Not everyone wants to look like Peg Bundy all the time in leopard skin with disgusting bright purple and lime green blotches. Not everyone is s...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Estate Cairn

The Estate Cairn should as you go from low level to higher Level be able to have workers harvest higher materials.
2 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Sitting in Chairs would be nice

Would be nice to make chairs you could sit on.. i built my house next to a water fall.. would be nice to sit there relaxing.. or even sitting next to a friend or something.. functional building is cool
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open