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Texture Mismatch

Obsidian geometric windows are lacking the texture of the other obsidian wall pieces.
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Quest: Humanitys final beacon doesn't complete

I found Aurelio, and talked with him. Yet the quest keeps telling me to find this guy and refuses to complete
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Enemy fire through walls destroying interior

Bug happened after 5.4 updateStanding and storing gear when an bug spit through wall destroying chest. Surprised me as I didn't even know a bug was there. Solid Tudor wall, of course was damaged but not compared to interior of home.
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Puck not loading

I have found that puck will not load in the abeyance realm for any of the quests after picking up the tools unless I exit the current game and reload. I am playing in offline mode if that makes a difference.
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

cannot play the play online

every time I try to load into the online mode the world loads up and I cannot switch what I have equipped and the it crashes. I have tried standing still but after a few minutes it disconnects me. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling bu...
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Enemy falls underground

While fighting My'ternes, Mother of Webs I thought I'll trick her and she falls down a cliff and takes some damage, was less than half HP. I'm not sure what happened, I was running around healing myself, and when I looked back I saw no spider and ...
11 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Stuck In the sky

i was using the umbrella and the climbing gear interchangeably and at a certain point my movement keys stopped working and I could only ctrl to move launching me further into the air. Now i am stuck in the sky
29 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Lantern Pendant Chandelier not working

The small hanging chandelier is able to be built on the ceiling, but it produces no light at all.
3 months ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

No longer able to raise items above 2 ticks when building

Since the latest PTR and in Live as well, I've noticed that I am no longer able to free-build in the air. In the patch before, I was able to raise items up with R+mousewheel a relatively infinite height. In other words, I made a bunch of stuff flo...
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Planned

Game crashes in loading screen after character select

In the loading screen after hitting the "Resume" button on character select for either online or offline mode, the game freezes and then crashes to desktop, often without an error message, and sometimes bluescreens. I have been playing since launc...
11 days ago in Bugs 1 Open